
This online tool allows you to read and hide messages in pictures without visibly changing them. For example, a 1920 by 1080 picture can be modified to contain all of The Great Gatsby (299 kB) and all of Frankenstein (438 kB) without changing the color of any pixel by more than 0.4%.

If you want to hide a message in a picture and make it impossible for eavesdroppers to prove that there is a hidden message, it is recommended that you encrypt your message (so that if someone uploads it to this site and looks at the "Original hidden message", it will be gibberish), and also choose the picture carefully. The picture should not have any predictable patterns, meaning

Note that modifying your image in any way after hiding your message in it (resizing, recoloring, converting to another file format, etc.) can erase or change the hidden message, even if the picture looks exactly the same as before.

Image dimensions: 0 by 0 pixels

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